Searching for a Web host
When it comes searching for a web hosting, people shouldn’t be looking for an average webhost, or even a decent webhost, people should search for the best webhost.
the reason why, when it comes to web hosting, the real estate selling moto is “location, location, location” in the case of hosting a website get’s translated to “speed, speed, speed”.
here are a few reasons for this, not the least of which is that speed is one of the indicators consumers have for trust. Again like location, if a gas station can afford a prime location, then we the consumer tends to think they’re probably trustworthy since they’re good enough to afford such a location. The same thing follows nicely into the online world. If your client's site is hosted on a fast server then this site is probably trustworthy.
there’s really no single rule for how many web sites can be on a shared hosting box, or what kind of dedicated box that you should be using for your site. Given the choices in hardware on the market today it’s common to see some high end shared hosting far outperform the low end of the dedicated market.
So if that’s the case, then how should a merchant judge his store’s performance? Easy, your goal should be to approach’s speed for loading a page. In general 2 -3 seconds per page load is acceptable, and 5 – 6 seconds is not.
While speed is the most important thing a web designer is looking for in a webhost, it’s not the only thing. For webhosting, merchant’s should make sure the companies they’re considering are experts and should focus mostly on webhosting or at a minimum have experts on their staff
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