Blacsocial's business Profile
I. When writing your business profile it should have the details of your business, such as, the name of your business, basic contact information, like your phone number and email address, your hours of operation and your website address. You should include an email address that access regularly. If this is a new business starting out, make certain the name is unique and the one you will keep. You can confuse your potential customers and investors by changing your business name. You should practice consistency with your business name across the board in every spectrum such as, profiles, and social media outlets are important and give your business familiarity.
II. Be certain the address you provide in any of your profiles is easy to locate, if you have a Brick and mortar location. Look in to Google and Yahoo Maps, to see if your location comes up accurately. If you have a home business, you should consider renting a PO Box at the post office or a mail store and use that in your profile.
III. Another important factor to include is your business background, provide a short detailed history, what is your business’ motto, where is the future of your company headed? Talk about the products and services your business can provide and will provide. Talk about the clients and customers you have worked for and or, worked with.
IV. Write a short bios of the team players, (people who work for your company), i.e. if you are the founder, president, vice president, or owner. Provide their experience and accomplishments they have had while with the company.
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